6th National Congress of Modern Neurosciences “Neurosciences in the Service of the Patient”
Medical Days of the "Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu" Emergency Clinical Hospital, 52 years (1972 – 2024)
National Symposium of Modern Neurosciences "Rare and Autoimmune Diseases. New trends in diagnosis and treatment"
National Symposium of Modern Neurosciences "Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Adults. Practical approach and therapeutic options"

Congress President
General Manager Spitalul Clinic de Urgență “Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu”

Dr. Florentina DANCIU
Head of Department of Neurology I “Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu” Emergency Clinical Hospital Urgență “Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu”
Dear professionals, opinion leaders and specialists in the medical field,
The event is coordinated by the "Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu" Emergency Clinical Hospital, the Human Brain Academy Association (HBA), with the support of the Ministry of Health and the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery (RSN).
The general theme of the National Congress of Neurosciences will be "Neurosciences in the Service of the Patient". The topics of the Congress will cover the entire field of neurosurgery, neurology and neuroscience and will focus on the latest advances in each field.
All these are arguments for your presence at this highly scientific and academic event, being interested in developing new partnerships and collaborations that encourage the realization of research projects in the medical field.
This event is further evidence that the “Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu” Emergency Clinical Hospital has become a Center of Excellence in the Medical Field.
We look forward to seeing you in Iasi, a well-known cultural and academic center, in a season that gives the city unmistakable beauty, vigor and freshness, between October 9-12, 2024.
We succeed only together!

Assoc. Prof. Habil. Horia PLES, MD, PhD
President Romanian Society of Neurosurgery
Dear colleagues and guests,
We are honored to host the 47th Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery, in conjunction with the 26th French Course in Neurosurgery and the 4th National Congress of Modern Neurosciences, in Iasi, the city of the 7 hills, one of the oldest cities in Romania, an important economic, medical, academic, and cultural center.
The first department of neurosurgery in Romania was established in Iasi city, on first of January 1933. The city of Iași is now one of the main neurosurgical center in Romania, with multiple neurosurgical departments, both in the public and private health system. At this year’s edition of the Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery, best specialists in neurosurgery and neurosiences from Romania and abroad will be with us to generously share their experience. We want to have an effective dialogue in which „new” is the main landmark.
All these are arguments for your presence at this event, which is both scientific and friendly, and which aims at a continuous evolution of medicine, being interested in developing new partnerships and encouraging the realization of research projects in the medical field. Along with our appreciation for your efforts, this is an impulse and an obligation for us to design a useful and engaging scientific event. I am certain that the academic excellence of the papers will contribute in making this event a truly memorable one, and that we will have the privilege of discovering here, in Iasi, not only outstanding pages of history but also a remarkable tradition of the Romanian School of Neurosurgery.
We hope that this event will be a good opportunity for beautiful memories, stronger friendship, new national and international connection, a pleasant time, and an optimal opportunity for the exchange of knowledge, to generate new ideas, concepts, strategies and practical skills in national and international neurosurgery and neuroscience fields, for the benefit of patients and the prestige of neurosurgery and neuroscience. It is a great honor for the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery to host this event in the city of Iasi. We invite you to join us in organizing this event, and disseminating this information to all interested people.